Fixed for Food Storage: A Basic Guide to Food Storage (ReadyMan Info-comic)
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RM_INFOCOMIC-FOODSTORAGEFor $550.00 per adult, you can set aside a year’s supply of food. Even cheaper, you can stock up on canned and frozen foods your family will love.
Or, go in whole hog and learn to bake bread, can fruits & vegetables and bucket do-it-yourself, thirty-year food storage. No matter what craziness jumps out of the history books and gobsmacks us, be ready to feed your family economically and conveniently.
Fixed for Food Storage launches you into the fun-packed field of food preparedness and survival.
A little advanced planning will save you big bucks, and score you some well-earned peace of mind. Dig into this wee guide, learn a stack of pro tips and enjoy a good laugh.