Electric Apocalypse: A Basic Guide to Making Power (ReadyMan Info-comic)
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RM_INFOCOMIC-ELECTRICAPOCALYPSESeems like power is always the first thing to vamoose during a disaster: flood, cold, fire, hurricane, collapse or alien invasion. Bye bye, Netflix. Hello, headlamp.
Electricity hovers over America like a slipshod god, sadly vulnerable to heatwaves and Russian hacks. But your family need not bet your Cuisanart on the local power company. Build a micro-grid of your own, from cell phone chargers and generators to solar arrays and ham radio. No matter what craziness jumps out and gobsmacks our society, prepare yourself to fill the gap between your modern home and and disaster.
Electric Apocalypse shares the tips and tricks of the self-reliant to keep your home hospitable, no matter what happens to the power grid.
Collected from the survival experience of the authors and the ReadyMan Basics online group, Electric Apocalypse aims at keeping your family comfortable and fed, no matter what happens to the outside world.
Full title: Electric Apocalypse: A Basic Guide to Making Power & Keeping the Lights on During Disaster & Grid Failure (ReadyMan Info-comics)