Combat Gardening: Survival Food-Making With No Nursery! (ReadyMan Info-comic)
$ 6.99
RM_INFOCOMIC-COMBATGARDENNearly every gardening book in existence assumes easy access to mail order supplies, water pressure and industrial soil amendments. But what happens when crisis strikes and modern garden go kaput?
When the box box stores close and mail order shops get cranky, you'll be compelled to get gardening old school.
Combat Gardening takes a tonque-and-cheek run at gardening with traditional hacks as well as new permaculture discoveries. Get off the fertilizer gravy train and rediscover compost. Make a hot mess of your garden by stealing Russian dacha planting tricks. Open your mind to humanure, pee-pee fertilizer and innovative approaches to watering without city water pressure.
Collected from the experience of the authors and self-reliant gardeners of the Readyman online group, Combat Gardening offers a jumping-off point for do-it-yourselfers who love to figure stuff out the old fashion way.